We assist organizations in defining and implementing their business strategies, ensuring growth and efficiently allocating resources.
Stakeholder Management
We facilitate the strategic dialogue between senior management between senior managers and significant stakeholders in order to validate strategic initiatives. Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Identify and advice regarding stakeholder communications/relations
- Proactive stakeholder management
Strategy Design and Implementation
We assist organizations in defining and implementing their business strategies. Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Industry analysis, competitor assessment, customer analysis, revenue and profitability forecasting
- Development of the business model
- Business plan review and validation
Strategy Design and Implementation
We assist organizations in defining and implementing their business strategies from planning to benefits realization.
- Industry analysis, competitor assessment, customer analysis, revenue and profitability forecasting
- Business plan review and validation
- Development of target operating model aligned with strategic objectives
Resource Planning
We take a holistic view of the impact that an endeavor can have on the entire organization and advise on projects such as, but not limited to:
- Redesigning/re-engineering business processes
- Optimizing work capital
- Reducing costs
- Redesigning and resizing organizations
- Outsourcing
- Restructuring
Growth Strategies
We aim to provide growth opportunities in a challenging economic environment by achieving a balance between revenue and profitability through, but not limited to:
- Improving sales function effectiveness
- Reducing order to cash cycle duration
- Improving forecasting and demand management
- Segmentation of client portfolio
- Analyzing profitability and sales performance
- Defining pricing strategies
Strategii de crestere
Organizatiile trebuie sa identifice in mod constant oportunitati de crestere a veniturilor si/sau profitabilitatii. Proiectele noastre au drept obiectiv realizarea unui echilibru intre cresterea veniturilor si profitabilitate prin:
- Cresterea eficacitatii functiei de vanzari
- Reducerea duratei ciclului de numerar
- Anticiparea si managementul cererii
- Segmentarea portofoliului de clienti
- Analiza profitabilitatii din perspective multiple (ex. client, produs, geografie, canal de distributie etc.)
- Strategia de stabilire preturilor